MH370News:2018/Day 1606
Day 1606: Monday, 30 July 2018
News Summary
The SAFETY INVESTIGATION REPORT MH370/01/2018 by The Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370 was presented to The Cabinet, (Malaysian Parliament) in its meeting on 11 July 2018, and released on Monday, 30 July 2018 to an audience consisting of Next-of-kin and invited Media.
The spokesperson was the head of the Investigation Team, Datuk Kok Soo Chon. A set of slides which was used during the presentation is available for download from the Ministry of Transport website.
A Media Statement about the event was released by the Minister of Transport, YB Loke Siew Fook. (below)
The Report and Appendices were then made public and were available for download from the Ministry of Transport (Malaysia) website at
Media Statements
Media Statement by YB Loke Siew FOOK, Minister of Transport (Malaysia) on the release of the MH370 Safety Investigation Report
Monday, 30 July 2018
The Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370 has today released the MH370 Safety Investigation Report after months of meticulous and independent investigations.
In accordance with international convention and practices as well as the standards set by the International Civil Aviation Organisation (ICAO), the Government of Malaysia as the State conducting the investigation appointed a safety investigation team known as ‘The Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370’ made up of aviation experts from all over the world.
The 19-member team is led by the former Director General of the Department of Civil Aviation Malaysia and former Permanent Representative of Malaysia on the Council of ICAO in Montreal, Datuk Kok Soo Chon comprising Accredited Representatives from seven international Air Accident and Incident Investigation Authorities from Australia, China, France, Indonesia, Singapore, United Kingdom and the United States of America.
The report was prepared in compliance with chapter 6, paragraph 6 of Annex 13 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation on Aircraft Accident and Incident Investigation. It contains the analysis of the following areas, Airworthiness & Maintenance and Aircraft Systems; ATC operations; Cargo Consignment; Crew Profile; Diversion from Filed Flight Plan route; Organisational and Management Information of DCA and MAS; and Satellite Communications (SATCOM).
The Ministry of Transport will review the Safety Recommendations and will take appropriate improvement measures to prevent similar future air accidents. At the same time, we will also conduct thorough investigation and take action against any misconduct committed based on the findings under the existing provisions of the law.
The issuance of this Report is a testament of Malaysia's commitment and transparency in complying with its obligations as one of the contracting States under the Annex 13 of ICAO. The Team has been given full freedom in conducting the investigation and not a single edit or amendment has been made to the Report. The Cabinet, in its meeting on 11 July 2018 was briefed and took note of the findings of the Report.
In this regard, I would like to record our utmost appreciation and gratitude to the Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370 for its meticulous and transparent investigation.
I wish to also reiterate that the aspiration to locate MH370 has not been abandoned and we remain ever hopeful that we will be able to find the answers we seek when the credible evidence becomes available.
With the release of this Report, my heart goes out to the families and loved ones of those on board flight MH370. Malaysia together with the international community stands in solidarity with the next of kin during this trying time.
Source: Ministry of Transport, Malaysia
Ministry of Transport, MalaysiaDocument link: Media/Year 2018/YBMOT Media Statement MH370 Safety Investigation Report.pdf
The Safety Investigation Report was released on Monday, 30 July 2018. A description and index of sections which have been extracted for reference purposes, are linked from this article: Safety Investigation Report (2018).
08 March 2014
The Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370
Issued on 02 July 2018 MH370/01/2018 |
The Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370 Email: |