Passenger:TAN Wei Chew

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TAN Wei Chew

TAN Wei Chew
Source: ATWMY-019-1

Wei Chew TAN was allocated seat number 21J in the Economy section of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Wei Chew, a Male aged 19, was a Malaysian national.

Wei Chew was travelling with his parents Ah Meng TAN and Hsiu Ling CHUANG.

Media Sources

A scholar on vacation

Malaysian student Tony Tan Wei Chew, 19, recently graduated from St Andrew’s Junior College (SAJC) in Singapore and was on the way to Beijing for a vacation with his dad Tan Ah Meng, 46, and Taiwanese mum Chuang Hsiuling, 45.

His former room-mate Aaron Quek told The Straits Times that Tan had plans to study in the United States after getting his A-levels results early this month. Tan received a scholarship at the age of 15 to study in Singapore.

His two younger brothers were not on the flight. TSRMY-016

Tan Wei Chew, 19, had recently graduated from junior college and was going on a holiday with his parents before applying for a university place in the US. ATWMY-006

Passenger Manifest Data

SourceLine No.NAMETitleNationalityAgeGenderClassSeat No.
MH370 Passenger Manifest - Beijing Airport 64 TAN WEICHEW   MYS 19950706    
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 8 March 2014 133 TAN/WEICHEWMR   Malaysian 19      
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 10 April 2014 134 TAN/WEICHEW   Malaysian 19      
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 1 May 2014   TAN/WEICHEWMR   MYS 19 M EYCL 21J
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 5 May 2014   TAN/WEICHEWMR   MYS 19 M EYCL 21J
Passenger details from Official Sources   TAN WEI CHEW MR Malaysian 19 M EYCL 21J