Timeline/KLIA-SCS/0107:48 MYT

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Event Summary

01:07:48 MYT Saturday, 8 March 2014

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Last DATA-2 ACARS Message received at the GES. No further SATCOM Data-2 ACARS messages or acknowledgements were received at the GES for the remainder of the flight. This is abnormal and suggests that the on-board ACARS equipment either failed, or was disabled or powered down at some time between 1707:48 and around 1825:00.

Event Details

  1. Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 Satellite Ground Station Logs - Key Observations

    Last DATA-2 ACARS Message received at the GES. No further SATCOM Data-2 ACARS messages or acknowledgements were received at the GES for the remainder of the flight. This is abnormal and suggests that the on-board ACARS equipment either failed, or was disabled or powered down at some time between 1707:48 and around 1825:00.
