Timeline/KLIA-SCS/0120:45 MYT

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Event Summary

01:20:45 MYT Saturday, 8 March 2014

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Ho Chi Minh Air Traffic Services radar data recorded the “blip” from MH370 from both SSR and ADS-B radar position symbols disappeared from the radar display at 01:20:45 MYT.

Event Details

  1. Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 1.1.3 3) Ho Chi Minh Air Traffic Services

    The tracking of MH370 was captured by HCM ACC Secondary Radar at Tan Son Nhut and at Camau Province, and Automatic Dependent Surveillance- Broadcast (ADS-B) located at Conson Island/range 270 nm) at 1711:59 UTC [0111:59 MYT] as it was heading for waypoint IGARI.

    At 1720:59 UTC [0120:45 MYT] the “blip” from MH370 from both SSR and ADS-B radar position symbols disappeared from the radar display.


  1. Factual Information MH370/01/15 1.1.3 c) Ho Chi Minh Radar and Automatic Dependent Surveillance - Broadcast (ADS-B)

    Note: The extract from the Factual Information MH370/01/15 has been updated with revised times when published in the Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 .

    The tracking of MH370 was captured by HCM ATCC SSR and ADS-B (located at Conson Island/range 270 Nm) at 1711.59 UTC [0111:59 MYT] as it was heading for waypoint IGARI.

    At 1720:33 UTC [0120:33 MYT] MH370 SSR and ADS-B radar position symbols disappeared from the radar display.