Timeline/Response/ATC/0130:37 to 0144:52 MYT

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Event Summary

01:30:37 to 01:44:52 MYT Saturday, 8 March 2014

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ATC Radar Observation P3362: 0130:37 MYT to 0137:22 MYT

The appearance of an aircraft target on the KL ACC Sector 3+5 radar display, coded as P3362, was recorded from 0130:37 MYT. The aircraft at approximately 57 nm north east of Kota Bahru and heading to Kota Bahru. The aircraft target disappeared from the radar display at 0137:22 MYT.

The Terminal Primary Approach Radar located to the south of the Kota Bharu – Sultan Ismail Petra Airport runway also captured the the aircraft from 0130:37 MYT to 0144:52 MYT.

Note: DCA ATCC radar controllers did not notice a strayed or unidentified aircraft within their area of responsibility.

Event Details

  1. Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 1.1.3 2) DCA Civilian Radar Data from Kota Bharu - Sultan Ismail Petra Airport Runway

    The aircraft diversion from the filed flight plan route was recorded on the DCA radar playback:

    • a) From 1730:37 UTC [0130:37 MYT] to 1744:52 UTC [0144:52 MYT] a primary aircraft target was captured by the Terminal Primary Approach Radar located to the south of the Kota Bharu – Sultan Ismail Petra Airport runway.
    • b) The appearance of an aircraft target on the KL ACC radar display, coded as P3362, was recorded at 1730:37 UTC [0130:37 MYT] but the aircraft target disappeared from the radar display at 1737:22 UTC [0137:22 MYT]
  2. Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 1.1.3 Figure 1.1C - Diversion from Filed Flight Plan Route - Civilian Radar

    P3362: Appeared at 1730:37 UTC [0130:37 MYT]

    P3362: Coasted at 1737:12 UTC [0137:12 MYT]
    Dropped at 1737:22 UTC [0137:22 MYT]

  3. Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 1.1.3 4) Kuala Lumpur ACC Radar

    From 1730:37 UTC [0130:37 MYT] to 1752:35 UTC [0152:35 MYT], what appeared to be MH370 was captured on KL ACC primary radar, coded as P3362, P3401, P1415, P3415 and P3426 (P signifies Primary Radar).
    Figure 1.1C - Diversion from Filed Flight Plan Route.

    The appearance of a “blip” coded as P3362 was recorded at 1730:37 UTC [0130:37 MYT)] but disappeared abruptly at 1737:22 UTC [0137:22 MYT].


  1. Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 1.1.3 2) DCA Civilian Radar Data from Kota Bharu - Sultan Ismail Petra Airport Runway

    It has been confirmed by DCA and its radar maintenance contractor, Advanced Air Traffic Systems (M) Sdn. Bhd. (AAT), that it was the 60 nm Terminal Primary Approach Radar, co-mounted with 200 nm monopulse SSR3 located to the south of Kota Bharu - Sultan Ismail Petra Airport runway, which captured the above-mentioned primary aircraft targets.

  2. Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 1.1.3 2) DCA Civilian Radar Data from Kota Bharu - Sultan Ismail Petra Airport Runway

    All the primary aircraft targets that were recorded by the DCA radar are consistent with those of the military data that were made available to the Investigation Team.

  3. Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 2.2.8 ATS Operational Issues after Last Radio Communication with MH370 and subsequent ATS Activities/Actions

    l) ATC Actions on Strayed/Unidentified Aircraft (Primary Radar Target) within the Area of Responsibility
    • i) At 1730:37 UTC [0130:37 MYT] a strayed/unidentified aircraft (primary radar target) appeared on the Sector 3+5 radar display at approximately 57 nm north east of Kota Bahru and heading to Kota Bahru. This aircraft target dropped off from the radar display at 1737:22 UTC [0137:22 MYT]. It reappeared at 1738:56 UTC [0138:56 MYT], on airway B219 heading towards VPG36 and dropped off at 1744:52 UTC [0144:52 MYT]. The appearances and reappearances of these strayed/unidentified primary targets on Lumpur Sector 3+5 radar display were for a duration of 6 minutes 45 seconds and 5 minutes 56 seconds respectively. The duration of the strayed/unidentified aircraft appearing on the Lumpur Sector 3+5 radar display was 12 minutes and 41 seconds. When the strayed/unidentified aircraft continued its journey towards VPG, it entered into the Lumpur Sector 1 Area of Responsibility.

    • ii) On the Lumpur Sector 1 radar display, the strayed/unidentified aircraft (primary radar target) appeared at 1747:02 UTC [0147 MYT] and dropped off at 1748:39 UTC [0148:39 MYT]; and reappeared at 1751:45 UTC [0151:45 MYT] and dropped off at 1752:35 UTC [0152:35 MYT]. The duration of the strayed/ unidentified aircraft appearing on Lumpur Sector 1 radar display was 2 minutes 27 seconds.
      Information on strayed/unidentified aircraft (primary radar target) was obtained from radar recording playback.

    • iii) In interviews with the ATCOs on duty, the Sector 3+5 and Sector 1 Radar Controllers informed that they were unaware of the strayed/unidentified aircraft (primary radar target) transiting their AORs.
      The Sector 3+5 Radar Controller acknowledged that he had to shift his attention to four other aircraft in another area, viz. VPK approximately 214 nm south of IGARI). As such, he did not observe the strayed/unidentified aircraft (primary radar target).
      The Sector 1 Radar Controller stated that he did not observe the strayed/unidentified aircraft (primary radar target) even though he remained at the Controller working position.