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South China Sea to Straits of Malacca

From 01:21:13 MYT to 1:52:31 MYT Saturday, 8 March 2014
(17:22 UTC to 17:51:31 UTC Friday, 7 March 2014)

On the day of the disappearance of MH370, the Military radar system recognised the ‘blip’ that appeared west after the left turn over IGARI was that of MH370. Even with the loss of SSR data, the Military long range air defence radar with Primary Surveillance Radar (PSR) capabilities affirmed that it was MH370 based on its track behaviour, characteristics and constant/continuous track pattern/trend. Therefore, the Military did not pursue to intercept the aircraft since it was ‘friendly’ and did not pose any threat to national airspace security, integrity and sovereignty.

Source: Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 1.1.3 Diversion from Filed Flight Plan 1) Malaysian Military Radar

The panel below represents the continuous tracking by Military radar with data at specific times as presented in the Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 .

Tracking by Civilian primary radar was not continuous. Civilian radar data and other events are overlaid on or within the military radar data panel.

01:21:13 MYT

At 0121:13 MYT Military radar showed the radar return of MH370 turning right but shortly after, making a constant left turn to heading of 273°, flying parallel to Airway M765 to VKB (Kota Bharu).

01:24:57 to 01:37:35 MYT

Between 0124:57 MYT to 0137:35 MYT the “blip” (a spot of light on a radar screen indicating the position of a detected aircraft) made heading changes that varied between 8° and 20°, and a ground speed that varied from 451 kt to 529 kt. The Military data also recorded a significant height variation from 31,150 to 39,116 ft.

01:30:35 MYT

From 0130:35 MYT to 0135 MYT military radar observed the aircraft on a heading 231 magnetic, with a ground speed of 496 knots at an altitude of 35,700 ft.

01:30:37 to 01:44:52 MYT

ATC Radar Observation P3362: 0130:37 MYT to 0137:22 MYT

The appearance of an aircraft target on the KL ACC Sector 3+5 radar display, coded as P3362, was recorded from 0130:37 MYT. The aircraft at approximately 57 nm north east of Kota Bahru and heading to Kota Bahru. The aircraft target disappeared from the radar display at 0137:22 MYT.

The Terminal Primary Approach Radar located to the south of the Kota Bharu – Sultan Ismail Petra Airport runway also captured the the aircraft from 0130:37 MYT to 0144:52 MYT.

Note: DCA ATCC radar controllers did not notice a strayed or unidentified aircraft within their area of responsibility.

01:37:59 MYT

At 0137:59 MYT military radar observed the aircraft on a heading of 239° (parallel to Airway B219) towards VPG (VOR Penang).

The heading varied from 239° to 255°; speed varied from 532 to 571 knots; and altitude varied between 24,450 ft and 47,500 ft (beyond the capability of the aircraft).

01:38:56 to 01:44:52 MYT

ATC Radar Observation P3401: 0138:56 to 0144:52 MYT

At 0138:56 MYT, a “blip” identified as P3401 was tracked by KL ACC but disappeared at 0144:52 MYT.

Note: DCA ATCC radar controllers did not notice a strayed or unidentified aircraft within their area of responsibility.

01:39:59 MYT

At 0139:59 MYT military radar observed the aircraft on a heading of 2440 Magnetic with a ground speed of 529 knots at an altitude of 32,800 ft.

Note: This observation was not included in the Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 .

01:41:23 MYT

KL ACC Radar Controller made a “blind transmission” to MH370.

There was no response from MH370.

01:47:02 to 01:48:39 MYT

ATC Radar Observation P3415: 0147:02 to 0148:39 MYT

At 0147:02 MYT an aircraft target, coded as P3415, appeared on the KL ACC radar display but disappeared at 0148:39 MYT.

Note: DCA ATCC radar controllers did not notice a strayed or unidentified aircraft within their area of responsibility.

01:51:45 to 01:52:35 MYT

ATC Radar Observation P3426: 0151:45 to 0152:35 MYT

At 0151:45 MYT, a “blip” coded as P3426 appeared south of Penang Island but disappeared at 0152:35 MYT.

Note: DCA ATCC radar controllers did not notice a strayed or unidentified aircraft within their area of responsibility.

01:52:31 MYT

At 0152:31 MYT the aircraft was observed by military radar to be at 10 nm south of Penang Island on a heading of 261°, with a speed of 525 knots at an altitude of 44,700 ft (above the service ceiling of 43,100 ft).