Timeline/SCS-SoM/0152:31 MYT

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Event Summary

01:52:31 MYT Saturday, 8 March 2014

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At 0152:31 MYT the aircraft was observed by military radar to be at 10 nm south of Penang Island on a heading of 261°, with a speed of 525 knots at an altitude of 44,700 ft (above the service ceiling of 43,100 ft).

Event Details

Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 1.1.3 1 Malaysian Military Radar

At 1752:31 UTC [0152:31 MYT] the “blip” was observed to be at 10 nm south of Penang Island on a heading of 261°, speed of 525 kt and at a height of 44,700 ft.


  1. The service ceiling for a Boeing 777 is 43,100 feet or 13,100 metres.
    Source: Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 Section 1.6 - Aircraft Information, 14) Auxiliary Power Unit.

  2. Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 1.1.3 Diversion from Filed Flight Plan Route 1) Malaysian Military Radar

    The Military radar data provided more extensive details of what was termed as “Air Turn Back”. It became very apparent, however, that the recorded altitude and speed change “blip” to “blip” were well beyond the capability of the aircraft. It was highlighted to the Team that the altitude and speed extracted from the data are subjected to inherent error. The only useful information obtained from the Military radar was the latitude and longitude position of the aircraft as this data is reasonably accurate.