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Media Statements and News from 2019 onwards

Following the unsuccessful search for MH370 by Ocean Infinity in early 2018, any momentum toward further searches was reduced. Then the world was impacted by the global Covid-19 pandemic. Finding MH370 and solving the mystery took a low priority. Malaysian government interest, for example, reduced to zero.

Interest in the story of MH370 was rekindled by the release of a series on the streaming service Netflix. And the topic has been used as a filler occasionally by tabloid and other media, with no new and substantial information.

An exception is the brilliant work done by British engineer Richard Godfrey who published (2021) an analysis of data from the Weak Signal Propagation Reporter Network demonstrating it could be used to portray the flight path of MH370. Subsequent work has been collaborative and peer-reviewed.

A description of the analysis is provided here: WSPR Data Analysis - The Search for MH370, and

a link to Richard Godfrey's website is here:

Although this research has not, in itself, produced physical results, it is a refinement of all previous models used to locate the wreckage and may hopefully lead a future independent search for the aircraft to actually find MH370.

Tenth Anniversary

8 March 2024 will be the tenth anniversary of the diversion of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370. When the aircraft was lost, so too were the lives of twelve crew members and 227 passengers. A total of 239 people from multiple countries, each with family either with them or left behind to grieve as next-of-kin.

An Australian government proposal to construct a Memorial to Flight MH370 was opposed by many next-of-kin, family and friends. Photographs from memorial ceremonies held in Kuala Lumpur depict mural-style images which are unlikely to remain a lasting tribute to the lost. The value of a substantial Memorial would be to keep the memory of MH370 alive, maintain the story of MH370 through future generations, and even if the aircraft is never found a Memorial would be a tangible reminder of the most significant aircraft disaster ever.