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Boeing 777 Manuals and Reference Material


What information was available to a person or group of people who wanted to acquire information about Boeing 777 aircraft prior to March 2014?

One group of interested persons would be flight simulator enthusiasts. Another might be prospective flight engineers or pilots. Another group could include potential hijackers or terrorists.

In 2013-2014 there was a collection of software for Microsoft Flight Simulator and .pdf files related to Boeing 777 aircraft available on the Internet though one of the Torrent sites. Total file size was about 8GB.

Relevant files were also shared on the Internet through direct links between flight simulator enthusiasts, through forums, and links to file sharing websites.

The documents listed below were all available, if one searched, despite being clearly marked as copyright:-


Document Description Original Source Publication Date Pages Notes
Boeing 777-200LR Aircraft Operations Manual Delta Virtual Airlines 4th Ed January 2014 52 Developed for Flight Simulation
B777 Engines and APU SmartCockpit.com 66 Developed for Flight Simulation
777 Simplified Procedures Capt Mike Ray 2006 55 The Modern Airliner Collection: 777
The Boeing normal Operations Checklist SimAviatik 5 For flight simulation use only
B-777 Study Guide Emirates 01 March 2013 266
B-777 Systems and Expanded QRH Emirates 28 August 2009 139 A study guide
Training Manual B 777
ATA Quick Reference
Lufthansea Technical Training 1995 76 Includes air conditioning, electrical power (MEC), flight controls, fuel, oxygen, APU, and more with diagrams and photos.
777 Flight Manual Continental Rev. 11/01/02 1913
777-2Z9 Operations Manual Lauda Air Luftfahrt AG June 16, 2003 1378
Flight Crew Operations Manual
The Boeing Company June 14, 2010 2410
777-222/-237LR/-337ER Flight Crew Operations Manual Air India Limited June 15, 2009 1956
777 Flight Crew Training Manual Boeing October 31, 2008 342
777 Flight Crew Training Manual Boeing June 30, 2010 354
777 Quick Reference Handbook Boeing June 16, 2008 554
777 Quick reference handbook Delta Air Lines Inc February 15, 2008 338
777 Dispatch Deviations Guide (DDG) Boeing 1995 revised 2009
B 777 Standard operating Procedures Air India June 2009 405
777-200LR Flight Planning and Performance Manual Boeing December 19, 2008 282
777-200/300 Airplane Characteristics for Airport Planning Boeing October 2004 162
777-200 & 777-200 IGW Component Locator Guide (GE Engine) Boeing (Alteon) 1997 592 Component list with diagrams

None of the above documents are hosted on this website and many have been removed from the Internet since 2014. But the list represents a sample of what types of document were available prior to March 2014.