Independent Group
The Independent Group
In the report The Operational Search for MH370 (2017) the Australian Transport Safety Bureau paid tribute to a number of people who provided valuable contributions, including five people whose names are highlighted below. This group of scientists has become known as the Independent Group (IG).
The ATSB acknowledges the extensive contributions that many individuals and groups have made during the underwater search for MH370. Many contributors have provided credible, alternate and independent approaches and analysis of the limited data available. In particular, the ‘MH370 Independent Group’ comprised of scientists, researchers and individuals who have cooperated across continents to advance the search for MH370. The ATSB is grateful for their work collectively and individually including Duncan Steel, Mike Exner, Victor Iannello, Don Thompson, and Richard Godfrey. The ATSB also acknowledges the extensive and detailed contributions provided by Simon Hardy, Bobby Ulich and Robin Stevens.
Duncan Steele is a scientist with a background in physics, applied mathematics and technology; and experience in the space, defence and aerospace sectors. He is also an author and broadcaster.
Papers by Duncan Steele and other members of the Independent Group were initially hosted on Duncan Steel's website Over thirty articles related to MH370 are listed in the panel below right.
Since late 2016, however, moderation of the IG's papers moved to Victor Ianello - an engineer and entrepreneur whose current venture is called Radiant Physics. Details and links are provided below.
Links to Papers by the Independent Group
- papers by the Independent Group
The Independent Group has obviously earned respect from the community of professional Investigators.
Not only are the research papers recommended reading, but the comments which other readers have provided are also interesting.
However, the number of papers is too great to list here - and continues to increase!
Recent papers are listed on Victor Ianello's website at at:-
Older papers can be accessed from an Archives panel on the same webpage.
* The original title of the Independent Group webpage, subsequently changed to MH370 and Other Investigations.
- 2015 March 18
- The locations of Inmarsat-3F1 during the flight of MH370 by Duncan Steel
Source: - 2015 March 19 (Report prepared in 2014 November)
- Calibration of the Mean BTO Constant by Geoff Hyman and Barry Martin
Source: - 2015 March 19 (Report prepared in 2014 December)
- Estimation of Mean Fixed Frequency Biases: the significance of BFO Channels by Geoff Hyman and Barry Martin
Source: - 2015 March 20
- Further Studies on the Path of MH370: Turn Time and Final Azimuth by Sid Bennett and Geoff Hyman
Source: - 2015 March 20 (Document prepared 26 December 2014)
- Deducing the Mid-Flight Speed of MH370 by Brian Anderson
Source: - 2015 March 24 (Updated 2015 April 20 to make the BTO and BFO Calculator available online: see reference [4] added at the very end.)
- Autopilot Flight Path BFO Error Analysis by Yap Fook Fah
Source: - Report prepared 2015 April 24
- The Last 15 Minutes of Flight of MH370 by Brian Anderson
Source: - 2015 May 10 Updated May 12
- MH370 Flight Simulation of Path Offset Scenarios by Geoff Hyman
Source: - 2015 May 11 (May 15: Note correction made in the Conclusions section) (Document prepared April 2015)
- Middle game uncertainties in azimuth, with implications for the MH370 endpoint by Geoff Hyman
Source: - 14 July 2015 (Updated 15 July 2015)
- Optimal Gliding Descent Scenarios for MH370 by Geoff Hyman, Barry Martin and Sid Bennett
Source: - 2015 July 20th
- MH370 Flight Path Model version 15.1 by Richard Godfrey
Source: - August 18, 2015
- Some Observations on the Radar Data for MH370 by Victor Iannello, ScD
Source: - September 24, 2015
- Questions about the Radar Data for MH370 by Victor Iannello, ScD
Source: - 24th November 2015 (Updated 27th November 2015)
- MH370 Data Alignment Model by Richard Godfrey
Source: - 9th December 2015
- MH370 Flight Path Model version 16 by Richard Godfrey
Source: - 1st February 2016
- Comparison of MH370 Flight Paths Based on Waypoints by Richard Godfrey
Source: - 14th February 2016
- Where is MH370? by Richard Godfrey
Source: - (report prepared in July 2015)
- The MH370 Final Descent Phase: Illustrative Suboptimal Scenarios by Geoff Hyman
Note: The post is a Preamble by Duncan Steel. The linked report by Geoff Hyman is not available.
Source: - 2016 March 10
- An Investigation into Indian Ocean Drift Patterns from 37S on the 7th Arc by Richard Godfrey
Source: - 2016 March 12th (Updated March 15th)
- An Investigation of a MH370 Hybrid Flight Path by Don Thompson and Richard Godfrey
Source: - 2016 March 24th
- Drift of floating debris from close to the 7th arc in the weeks following the crash of MH370 by Richard Godfrey
Source: - 2016 March 30th Updated March 31st (Report drafted March 16th)
- Destinations of Floating Debris from MH370 Starting on the 7th Arc between 30S and 38S by Richard Godfrey
Source: - 2016 April 2nd
- The Routes Taken by Floating Debris from MH370 by Richard Godfrey
Source: - 2016 April 14
- Consideration of a Controlled Ditch Scenario for MH370 by Yap Fook Fah
Source: - 2016 May 11 Updated May 12
- Implications of the Absence of MH370 Debris on the Coast of Western Australia by Richard Godfrey and Duncan Steel
Source: - 2016 June 2nd
- What the nine debris finds may tell us about the MH370 end point by Richard Godfrey
Source: - June 25, 2016
- Possible Flight Path for MH370 Ending North of the Current Search Zone by Victor Iannello, ScD
Source: - 10th July 2016
- Where is MH370 and how will it be found? by Richard Godfrey
Source: - August 11, 2016
- Why the 60 Minutes TV programme was wrong by Michael Exner
Source: - 18th October 2016
- The long hunt for a diversion airport by Richard Godfrey
A page listing Publications in Astronomy and Space Science by Duncan Steel is on his website at