MH370News:2014/Day 121

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Day 121: Sunday, 6 July 2014

News Summary

Media Statements

Sunday, July 06, 01:38 PM GMT +0800 Media Statement by YB Dato' Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein Minister of Defence

It has been 121 days since MH370 went missing. Almost 4 months have passed since the Malaysian Government first coordinated the search operations for the missing plane. As I have said previously, we are fortunate not to be alone in this and I would like to take this opportunity to thank all the 26 nations and especially our Tripartite partners - Australia and China for their commitment to locate the missing MH370. This is truly an international effort and the search is a powerful example of international co-operation.

On the asset deployment front, the Asset Deployment Committee has convened to finalise the details of the contracted assets that will be deployed as Malaysian Government Furnished Equipment for the bathymetric survey and the pursuant sub surface search.

The Bunga Mas 6 (BM6) has been actively present in the search area ever since the surface search was carried out. BM6 which was deployed on the 20th of April 2014 will remain in the search area in the coming phase to assist in the search for MH370. Currently, BM6 is assisting with logistical support and data transfer for the vessels within the search area.

Another Royal Malaysian Navy vessel, the KD Mutiara, which has the capability of the multi beam echo sounder will also join the search efforts to assist in the bathymetric survey process. The ship will set sail on the 4th of August 2014.

PETRONAS together with DEFTECH and Phoenix International will deploy a Prosas Side Scan Sonar (Towed Synthetic Aperture Sonar) which will be mounted on a mother vessel.

Boustead Heavy Industries, together with iXBlue Australia will be deploying a deep towed side scan sonar with a Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV) mounted on the mother vessel called John Lethbridge.

Instructions for immediate mobilisation have been given and the assets are expected to reach the search area in mid August 2014. Operational requirements for these assets will be coordinated with the Australian authorities.

Malaysia remains committed in the search for MH370. It must be stressed that Malaysia, together with Australia and China are doing our utmost in the search and our top priority remains to look for the missing MH370 and giving closure to the families of those on board MH370.

- end -

Source: Ministry of Transport (Malaysia) MOT-MS-121