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References: Images

Images included in this website are from many sources, and are typically attributed with the Report or to the agency which produced them.

Some images are in the public domain and are available for use from the Wikimedia Commons website.

To replicate media statements from the Office of the Prime Minister (Malaysia), and similar sources, official logos may have been included. These are generally sourced directly from the Internet Archive and are not copied.

Some pages have icons which represent file types, such as portable document format (.pdf). These icons are also sourced directly from the Internet Archive, and used here in the context of content from the same government department or organisation.

Books, when described may also include an image of the book cover. These images are linked directly from a source such as Amazon; they are not copies.

Images, Icons and Logos are attributed on sub-pages as listed below:-

References: Images

Logos and Icons
Images in Public Domain
Other Images