References/MH370 Official Site (Malaysia)
References: MH370 Official Site
The Government of Malaysia maintains a website called the MH370 Official Site which contains copies of many official documents relating to Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 including media statements, debris reports, the Preliminary Report and Interim Statements, and the Safety Investigation Report. There is also a section for Next-of-Kin which requires a user name and password.
While most documents are in English, some are presented in Bahasa or Mandarin.
The site Menu is presented in two languages - English and Mandarin. The URLs for each version are shown below.
Occasionally, the MH370 Official Site has been offline or unavailable.
. If the site is off-line use the URLs below to search the Internet Archive, or select the snapshot taken on 18 July 2022 here:- .
MH370 Official Site
, for a Mandarin version
Search the Web Archive using the URL, and select any snapshot.
Detailed instructions on how to access an archived version of the MH370 Official Site is provided in the article The Wayback Machine and MH370.
The content in the MH370 Official Site was from many sources and is referenced by source name (eg. Ministry of Transport, or Department of Civil Aviation) with some exceptions.
The most complete collection of Transcripts of press conferences was on the MH370 Official Site so, consistent with that, the references for Transcripts are listed on a sub-page here:-
MH370 Underwater Search 2018
In 2018 the American company Ocean Infinity conducted an underwater search for MH370. This search was not successful.
Search updates were published (in English and mandarin) by the Government of Malaysia and accessed on the MH370 Official Site under the menu heading MH370 Underwater Search 2018.
These updates can be viewed on the Web Archive at and similar snapshots captured between 2019 and 2023.
Alternatively, the Search Updates can be accessed from the snapshot embedded within this page: MH370 Official Site (Malaysia) as at 18 July 2022.