References/Wikipedia Content

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References: Wikipedia Content

In the third major update of this website additional content has been sourced from Wikipedia.

Embedded Content

Articles from Wikipedia have been embedded using iFrames and attributed to Wikipedia by a reference to the source page including a link.

Pages which include content direct from Wikipedia are also placed in a category for Wikipedia Content. To view a list of pages which have been included in this category, click on the arrow left of the category name:-

Pages which include embedded content from Wikipedia:-

Links to page URLs

References to articles from Wikipedia which are provided as Links or URLs only.

Typically, Wikipedia articles are linked if the content is both relevant and provides additional material but the article is not embedded on a local page.

Pages which include links to Wikipedia are also placed in a category Wikipedia Link. To view a list of pages which have been included in this category, click on the arrow left of the category name:-

Pages which link to Wikipedia articles:-