Chronology/Timeline of Significant Actions
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Timeline of significant actions — Search for missing airline MH370
The following timeline has been adapted from a Timeline of Significant Actions published by the Joint Agency Coordination Centre (JACC) and currently hosted by the Department of Infrastructure, Transport, Regional Development, Communications and the Arts (Australia) at the following URL:
Links have been added to the chronology sourced from the JACC. These include:-
- Dates have been linked to a corresponding day in the section for Media Statements
- Documents mentioned by name have been linked to a corresponding page where the document can be read
- Countries are linked (one instance only) to a corresponding country page
- Organisations or companies named in this chronology have been linked to a relevant page.
- 8 March 2014: Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 disappeared from air traffic control radar
- 8 March 2014: Surface search and rescue commenced focused on the South China Sea and the Straits of Malacca
- 15 March 2014: Malaysia received combined satellite intelligence (Inmarsat) indicating a flight path across the southern Indian Ocean
- 17 March 2014: following Malaysia’s request for Australia to lead the search, Australia assumed responsibility for search and rescue in southern Indian Ocean
- 24 March 2014: Malaysia announced change from search and rescue to search and recovery operation
- 30 March 2014: Joint Agency Coordination Centre established in Australia
- 30 April 2014: Surface search concluded without any trace of the aircraft
- 5 May 2014: Tripartite meeting held between Ministers of Malaysia, the People’s Republic of China and Australia. Decision to commence initial under water search of 60,000 square km, led by Australia with support from Malaysia and the People’s Republic of China
- 29 January 2015: Malaysia formally declared MH370 an accident
- 8 March 2015: Release of 1st Interim Statement—MH370 Safety Investigation by Malaysia
- 8 March 2015: Tripartite decision to increase search area from the initial 60,000 to 120,000 square km
- 29 July 2015: First piece of debris (flaperon) recovered on Reunion Island, east of Madagascar (confirmed by French Judicial Authority belonging to MH370 on 3 September 2015)
- 2015 to 2016: Numerous pieces of debris found along the east coast of Africa
- 8 March 2016: Release of 2nd Interim Statement—MH370 Safety Investigation by Malaysia
- 20 December 2016: release of ATSB’s report—MH370—First Principles Review
- 17 January 2017: Initial underwater search suspended by Tripartite countries
- 8 March 2017: Release of 3rd Interim Statement—MH370 Safety Investigation by Malaysia
- 8 March 2017: National Memorial Service held for the family and friends of Australian citizens and resident on board MH370 in Brisbane to mark the third anniversary of the disappearance of flight MH370
- 3 October 2017: release of ATSB final report AE-2014-054—Assistance to Malaysian Ministry of Transport in support of missing Malaysia Airlines flight MH370
- 21 January 2018: Malaysia commissioned second underwater search commenced on ‘no find no fee’ basis
- 8 March 2018: Release of 4th Interim Statement—MH370 Safety Investigation by Malaysia
- 29 May 2018: Malaysia announces second underwater search concluded without locating the aircraft
31July 2018: release of final Safety Investigation Report—Malaysia Airlines Boeing B777-200ER (9M-MRO) 8 March 2014 by Malaysia
Source: Timeline of significant actions—Search for missing airline MH370 JACC-Timeline