References/Ministry of Transport (Malaysia)

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References: Ministry of Transport (Malaysia)

This Section indexes References for the Ministry of Transport (Malaysia) for both MH370 and Malaysia Airlines flight MH17.

This Section has been divided into sub-pages relevant to either MH370 or MH17.

Media Statements, and Reports related to MH370 are indexed on separate sub-pages.

The schema is shown below, followed by general Notes.


MH370 MH17


1. URLs

These various URLs are significant when searching on the Internet Archive for documents relating to MH370.

2. Reference IDs

Reference IDs for the documents listed below have three parts:-

  1. A prefix MOT, an abbreviation of Ministry of Transport, Malaysia
  2. A document identifier such as MS for a Media Statement, RPT for a Report; and
  3. A number representing the date of publication, as the Day Number.

3. References

Where possible, a current (as at June 2023) URL is provided for each document, in addition to a link to a copy on the Internet Archive.