MH370 Crew/Data Matching
MH370 Crew: Data Matching
There are several sources of information about the crew on-board Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.
Media Statement: Pilots
Malaysia Airlines' 3rd Media Statement at 10:30 AM Saturday, 8 March 2014 identified the two pilots:-
The flight was piloted by Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, a Malaysian aged 53. He has a total flying hours of 18,365 hours. He joined Malaysia Airlines in 1981. First officer, Fariq Ab.Hamid, a Malaysian, is aged 27. He has a total flying hours of 2,763 hours. He joined Malaysia Airlines in 2007.
Source: Malaysia Airlines MAS-MS3-001-ZH
Passenger Manifest: MH 370 tech & Cabin Crew
The Passenger Manifest released by Malaysia Airlines at 7:20 pm Saturday, 8 March 2014 with the 5th Media Statement listed 'MH 370 tech & Cabin Crew' by name and nationality.
In this document Tech Crew refers to the aircraft pilots or Flight Crew. The list does not identify the role of each person.
2 | FARIQ BIN AB HAMID (TECH CREW) | Malaysian |
4 | ANDREW NARI | Malaysian |
5 | GOH SOCK LAY | Malaysian |
6 | TAN SER KUIN | Malaysian |
7 | WAN SWAID BIN WAN ISMAIL | Malaysian |
10 | NG YAR CHIEN | Malaysian |
11 | FOONG WAI YUENG | Malaysian |
12 | TAN SIZE HIANG | Malaysian |
Source: MH 370 Passenger Manifest, Malaysia Airlines, 8 March 2014 MAS-DOC-001
API Data: Flight Crew
A passenger manifest released in Beijing also listed the names of the crew on-board MH370. Additional detail includes Passport Number, Gender and Date of Birth. The document is only available as a series of images. The relevant section is shown below, followed by a transcription:-
Source: Beijing International Airport. Published by SAYS (Malaysia) SAYSMY-002
The table below contains the data transcribed from the Beijing version of the passenger manifest. Several changes have been made during the process of transcription from the API data:-
- Column 2 is the passport number, which is not relevant here, and has not been transcribed.
- Column 6 contains either a 1 or 2 which correlates with a code for gender where 1 = male and 2 = female.
- Column 7 is Date of Birth in Year/Month/Day format. For ease of reading this has been transcribed in the format YYYY/MM/DD.
- The order of first and last names for Patrick Gomes has been changed to be consistent with the Malaysia Airlines Flight Manifests.
Additional Columns
- The numbers 1 and 2 have been converted to male and female gender in an additional column.
- Using the date of birth provided here, each person's age in years has been calculated as it would have been on Saturday, 8 March 2014 and placed in an additional column headed Actual Age.
MH370 Flight Crew and Cabin Crew based on API Data
Nationality | Name | Date of Birth | Gender | Actual Age | |||
1 | 14 | MYS | FARIQ BIN AB HAMID | 1 | 1987/04/01 | Male | 26 |
2 | 14 | MYS | ZAHARIE BIN AHMAD SHAH | 1 | 1961/07/31 | Male | 52 |
3 | 14 | MYS | FOONG WAI YUENG | 2 | 1975/06/27 | Female | 38 |
4 | 14 | MYS | GOH SOCK LAY | 2 | 1969/07/29 | Female | 44 |
5 | 14 | MYS | PATRICK FRANCIS GOMES | 1 | 1959/07/23 | Male | 54 |
6 | 14 | MYS | MOHD HAZRIN BIN MOHAMED HASNAN | 1 | 1980/06/30 | Male | 33 |
7 | 14 | MYS | JUNAIDI BIN MOHD KASSIM | 1 | 1973/06/12 | Male | 40 |
8 | 14 | MYS | ANDREW NARI | 1 | 1965/02/21 | Male | 49 |
9 | 14 | MYS | NG YAR CHIEN | 2 | 1972/06/22 | Female | 41 |
10 | 14 | MYS | TAN SER KUIN | 2 | 1972/12/12 | Female | 41 |
11 | 14 | MYS | TAN SIZE HIANG | 1 | 1968/06/08 | Male | 45 |
12 | 14 | MYS | WAN SWAID BIN WAN ISMAIL | 1 | 1972/08/08 | Male | 41 |
Source: MH370 Passenger Manifest based on Advanced Passenger Information (API)
Released at Beijing International Airport. Published by SAYS (Malaysia)
Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018: Profiles
The Malaysian ICAO Annex 13 Safety Investigation Team for MH370 included profiles for the Flight Crew and Cabin Crew in the Safety Investigation Report at Section 1.5 PERSONNEL INFORMATION, but this Section refers to each person by role only, and names were not provided.
The following table has been compiled from the information in Section 1.5.
Crew Profiles Summary
Source | Role | Gender | Age |
1.5.3 Pilot-in-Command | Pilot in Command (PIC) | Male | 53 |
1.5.4 First Officer | First Officer (FO) | Male | 27 |
1.5.6 Cabin Crew and Personal Profiles | |||
1) Inflight Supervisor (IFS) | Inflight Supervisor (IFS) | Male | 55 |
2) Chief Steward (CS) | Chief Steward (CS) | Male | 49 |
3) Chief Stewardess (CSS) | Chief Stewardess (CSS) | Female | 49 |
4) Leading Steward (LS) | Leading Steward (LS) | Male | 42 |
5) Leading Stewardess (LSS) | Leading Stewardess (LSS) | Female | 42 |
6) Flight Stewardess (FSS) 1 | Flight Stewardess (FSS) 1 | Female | 42 |
7) Flight Stewardess (FSS) 2 | Flight Stewardess (FSS) 2 | Female | 39 |
8) Flight Steward (FS) 1 | Flight Steward (FS) 1 | Male | 46 |
9) Flight Steward (FS) 2 | Flight Steward (FS) 2 | Male | 41 |
10) Flight Steward (FS) 3 | Flight Steward (FS) 3 | Male | 34 |
Source: Data extracted from Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018
Data Match: Crew Profiles Summary vs API Data
The identity of the Pilot-in-Command of MH370, Captain Zaharie Ahmad Shah, and the First Officer, Fariq Ab.Hamid, as confirmed by media statements, is now well known.
However, note that the age of both Captain Shah and First Officer Hamid as reported is different from their age as calculated from the Advanced Passenger Information data using their birth dates. It would seem that each person's age was determined simply by the difference between their year of birth and 2014. So, assuming that the Advanced Passenger Information data is correct, on 8 March 2014 Captain Shah, for example, would have been only 52, but in his 53rd year.
Most of the Cabin Crew names and roles can be matched using a combination of two data items - gender and age. In the tables below the names and roles have been sorted by gender then age.
Crew Profiles Summary
Sorted by Gender and Age
Role | Gender | Age |
Inflight Supervisor (IFS) | Male | 55 |
Pilot in Command (PIC) | Male | 53 |
Chief Steward (CS) | Male | 49 |
Flight Steward (FS) 1 | Male | 46 |
Leading Steward (LS) | Male | 42 |
Flight Steward (FS) 2 | Male | 41 |
Flight Steward (FS) 3 | Male | 34 |
First Officer (FO) | Male | 27 |
Chief Stewardess (CSS) | Female | 49 |
Leading Stewardess (LSS) | Female | 42 |
Flight Stewardess (FSS) 1 | Female | 42 |
Flight Stewardess (FSS) 2 | Female | 39 |
Source: Based on data extracted from Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018
MH370 Flight Crew and Cabin Crew based on API Data
Sorted by Gender and Age
Name | Gender | Actual Age |
ANDREW NARI | Male | 49 |
TAN SIZE HIANG | Male | 45 |
FARIQ BIN AB HAMID | Male | 26 |
GOH SOCK LAY | Female | 44 |
NG YAR CHIEN | Female | 41 |
TAN SER KUIN | Female | 41 |
FOONG WAI YUENG | Female | 38 |
Source: MH370 Passenger Manifest based on Advanced Passenger Information (API) released at Beijing Airport.
Comparing the two sets of information shows that all of the male crew can be matched to a role, but only two of the female crew can be matched to their roles on MH370.
Leading Stewardess and Flight Stewardess 1
The remaining data match involves determining whether Ng Yar Chien or Tan Ser Kuin was the Leading Stewardess.
Following the loss of flight MH370 many media outlets published profiles of the crew and passengers on-board. However, none of the major stories distinguished between the roles of Leading Stewardess and Flight Stewardess. Most identified the Chief Stewardess as Goh Sock Lay and referred to the remaining female cabin crew with the terms stewardess or flight attendants.
There is, however, another source (no longer available on the Internet) which compiled data about each crew member as a table, shown below:-
MH370 Flight and Inflight Crew
Staff No. | Name | Rank | Age | Marital Status | Date of Joining MAS | Aeronautical Experience |
97277 | Zaharie Bin Ahmad Shah | Captain | 53 | Married with 3 Children | June 15, 1981 | ATP with 18423:40 hours (8659 on type) |
1172449 | Fariq Bin Ab Hamid | First Officer | 27 | Single (Girlfriend FO for AirAsia) | July 23, 2007 | ATP with 2813:42 hours (39 on type) |
78888 | Patrick Francis Gomes | Inflight Supervisor | 55 | Married with 4 children | November 19, 1979 | 35 years |
146258 | Andrew Nari | Chief Steward | 49 | Married with 2 children | November 13, 1989 | 25 years |
148604 | Goh Sock Lay | Chief Stewardess | 49 | Married with 1 child | January 02, 1990 | 24 years |
218224 | "Christine" Tan Ser Kuin | Leading Stewardess | 42 | Married with 2 children | August 18, 1992 | 22 years |
280489 | Wan Swaid Bin Wan Ismail | Leading Steward | 42 | Married with 4 children | October 05, 1995 | 19 years |
1006479 | Junaidi Bin Mohd Kassim | Flight Steward | 41 | Married with 2 children | February 13, 1997 | 17 years |
1087698 | Mohd "Rain" Hazrin Bin Mohamed Hasnan | Flight Steward | 34 | Married with 2 children | September 27, 2001 | 13 years |
225412 | Ng Yar Chien | Flight Stewardess | 42 | Married with 2 children | January 18, 1992 | 22 years |
301366 | Foong Wai Yueng | Flight Stewardess | 39 | Married with 2 children | April 16, 1996 | 18 years |
392841 | "David" Tan Size Hiang | Flight Steward | 46 | Married with 3 children | April 16, 1996 | 18 years |
All members of the crew were Malaysian Nationals.
Source: MH370 Discussion Forum (Posted 15 April 2015 by 'Accident Investigator')
Domain was but de-registered sometime after 2018.
Note: Seems accurate but unable to verify all data.
Crew Profiles Summary - with Names Added
Profile | Role | Gender | Age | Name |
1.5.3 Pilot-in-Command | Pilot in Command (PIC) | Male | 53 | ZAHARIE BIN AHMAD SHAH |
1.5.4 First Officer | First Officer (FO) | Male | 27 | FARIQ BIN AB HAMID |
1.5.6 1) Inflight Supervisor (IFS) | Inflight Supervisor (IFS) | Male | 55 | PATRICK FRANCIS GOMES |
1.5.6 2) Chief Steward (CS) | Chief Steward (CS) | Male | 49 | ANDREW NARI |
1.5.6 3) Chief Stewardess (CSS) | Chief Stewardess (CSS) | Female | 49 | GOH SOCK LAY |
1.5.6 4) Leading Steward (LS) | Leading Steward (LS) | Male | 42 | WAN SWAID BIN WAN ISMAIL |
1.5.6 5) Leading Stewardess (LSS) | Leading Stewardess (LSS) | Female | 42 | TAN SER KUIN |
1.5.6 6) Flight Stewardess (FSS) 1 | Flight Stewardess (FSS) 1 | Female | 42 | NG YAR CHIEN |
1.5.6 7) Flight Stewardess (FSS) 2 | Flight Stewardess (FSS) 2 | Female | 39 | FOONG WAI YUENG |
1.5.6 8) Flight Steward (FS) 1 | Flight Steward (FS) 1 | Male | 46 | TAN SIZE HIANG |
1.5.6 9) Flight Steward (FS) 2 | Flight Steward (FS) 2 | Male | 41 | JUNAIDI BIN MOHD KASSIM |
1.5.6 10) Flight Steward (FS) 3 | Flight Steward (FS) 3 | Male | 34 | MOHD HAZRIN BIN MOHAMED HASNAN |
- Safety Investigation Report MH370/01/2018 Section 1.5 PERSONNEL INFORMATION
- MH 370 Passenger Manifest, Malaysia Airlines, March 2014
- MH370 Passenger Manifest based on Advanced Passenger Information (API) released at Beijing Airport