Passenger:CHEW Kar Mooi

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CHEW Kar Mooi

Kar Mooi CHEW
Source: ATWMY-019-2

Kar Mooi CHEW was allocated seat number 21E in the Economy section of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Kar Mooi, a female aged 31, was a Malaysian national.

Media Sources

Kar Mooi Chew, 31, Malaysian

Maybank employee travelling to Beijing for work. Her mother thought she had left on March 6th and had no idea she was on the flight. SCMP-049

Chew Kar Mooi, 31

Family members of bank worker Chew Kar Mooi, find it hard to accept that the ill-fated plane went down in the southern Indian Ocean. Mooi’s sister Chew Kar Hui, said it was “very hard” for the family to accept the news. “There’s no detailed explanation except that the last position was in the Indian Ocean,” she said.

She said her family was still hoping that Mooi and everyone else on the plane were safe at an unknown location. “Although I know the chances are slim, we are still optimistic,” she added.

Hui said, her parents were so heartbroken upon learning Prime Minister Datuk Seri Najib Razak's announcement on Monday night. “My mum also had dreamt twice that my sister came back home as usual,” Hui added. ATWMY-019-2

Passenger Manifest Data

SourceLine No.NAMETitleNationalityAgeGenderClassSeat No.
MH370 Passenger Manifest - Beijing Airport 10 CHEW KAR MOOI   MYS 19830720    
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 8 March 2014 17 CHEW/KARMOOIMS   Malaysian 31      
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 10 April 2014 17 CHEW/KARMOOI   Malaysian 31      
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 1 May 2014   CHEW/KARMOOIMS   MYS 31 F EYCL 21E
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 5 May 2014   CHEW/KARMOOIMS   MYS 31 F EYCL 21E
Passenger details from Official Sources   CHEW Kar Mooi Ms Malaysian 31 Female Economy 21E