Passenger:GUAN Hua Jin

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GUAN Hua Jin

Hua Jin GUAN
Source: IBTUK-020

Hua Jin GUAN was allocated seat number 19J in the Economy section of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Hua Jin, a female aged 34, was a Malaysian national.

Media Sources

A brilliant mind

Penang-born Guan Huajin is one of 20 employees (12 Malaysians and eight from China) of Austin-based technology company Freescale Semiconductor, most of them top engineers who were on their way to Beijing on a business trip.

Guan, 34, is married with two children, aged four and one-and-a-half years, and the family live in Kuala Lumpur. TSRMY-016

Guan Huajin, 34, Malaysian

A Penang-born engineer who had been on her way to Beijing for a business trip. She was an employee of US technology company Freescale Semiconductor. SCMP-049


She is one of 20 employees (12 Malaysians and eight from China) of Austin-based technology company Freescale Semiconductor. Most of them were top engineers going to Beijing on a business trip. Guan, 34, was married with two children, aged 4 and 18 months. The family live in Kuala Lumpur. CNDCN-329

Passenger Manifest Data

SourceLine No.NAMETitleNationalityAgeGenderClassSeat No.
MH370 Passenger Manifest - Beijing Airport 17 GUAN HUA JIN   MYS 19800731    
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 8 March 2014 39 GUAN/HUAJINMS   Malaysian 34      
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 10 April 2014 39 GUAN/HUAJIN   Malaysian 34      
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 1 May 2014   GUAN/HUAJINMS   MYS 34 F EYCL 19J
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 5 May 2014   GUAN/HUAJINMS   MYS 34 F EYCL 19J
Passenger details from Official Sources   GUAN Hua Jin Ms Malaysian 34 Female Economy 19J