Passenger:MAT RAHIM Nor Fadzillah

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MAT RAHIM Nor Fadzillah

Nor Fadzillah Mat Rahim
Source: TSTSG-003

Nor Fadzilla MAT RAHIM was allocated seat number 16J in the Economy section of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Nor Fadzilla, a female aged 39, was a Malaysian national.

Media Sources

Nor Fadzillah Mat Rahim, 39, Malaysian

Nor graduated from Queen’s University with a Bachelor of Science degree from the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering in 1999 and married fellow ’99 grad Azrai Izet Mohamad. They resided in Malaysia and Nor had been heading to Beijing on business when the tragedy occurred. SCMP-049

The mother of four Nor Fadzillah Mat Rahim, was described as the “the best daughter-in-law by her mother-in-law, Hajah Puteh Idris, 68. Hajah Puteh when met at the aiport was openly weeping for Nor Fadzillah. She could only tell the reporters there that she received the dreaded call from MAS at 9am, before breaking down a few minutes later.

Nor Fadzillah who worked in Freescale was scheduled to be in China for a week. Hajah Puteh said Nor Fadzillah did not eat well days before she left and frequently said that she did not have a good feeling over the Beijing trip. But, Hajah Puteh had consoled her every time she complained and urged her to go as it was her duty.

Nor Fadzillah has three boys aged 13, 10, four and one girl, 2. “Though she’s my daughter-in-law, she was like my own daughter,” added Hajah. ATWMY-019-2

Passenger Manifest Data

SourceLine No.NAMETitleNationalityAgeGenderClassSeat No.
MH370 Passenger Manifest - Beijing Airport 46 NOR FADZILLAH BINTI MAT RAHIM   MYS 19750916    
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 8 March 2014 103 MATRAHIM/NORFADZILLAHMISS   Malaysian 39      
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 10 April 2014 103 MATRAHIM/NORFADZILLAH   Malaysian 39      
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 1 May 2014   MATRAHIM/NORFADZILLAHMISS   MYS 39 F EYCL 16J
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 5 May 2014   MATRAHIM/NORFADZILLAHMISS   MYS 39 F EYCL 16J
Passenger details from Official Sources   MAT RAHIM NOR FADZILLAH BINTI Miss Malaysian 39 Female Economy 16J


Malaysia Airlines had difficulty recording a long name! However three versions of the Passenger Manifest also include the title MISS which should not apply, since Nor Fadzillah was married.

The name Binti was not transferred from the Advance Passenger Information (Line 46) to subsequent Passenger Manifests.