Passenger:WOOD Philip

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WOOD Philip

Philip WOOD
Source: TSTSG-003

Philip WOOD was allocated seat number 11C in the Economy section of Malaysia Airlines flight MH370.

Philip, a Male aged 51, was a American national.

Media Sources

IBM executive Philip Wood, 50, originally from Texas, was one of three Americans on the plane.

Mr Wood - an avid traveller - had just been transferred to Malaysia and was excited about the new beginning, his younger brother James told the Wall Street Journal.

It was his last planned trip to Beijing before settling in Kuala Lumpur. He has two sons from a previous marriage who are based in Texas, reports say. BBCUK-018

A gentle American

The only American adult on board, Philip Wood is an IBM executive from Texas going to Beijing for business.

The 51-year-old father of two graduated from Oklahoma Christian University in 1985 and is described in the university’s Facebook page as “gentle, kind, had great taste in music and was a wonderful artist.”

His mother Sandra Wood told USA Today that she knew in her heart that “Philip’s with God.” TSRMY-016

A technical storage executive at tech company IBM, 50 year-old Philip Wood had worked in Beijing for two years and was finalising his relocation to Kuala Lumpur.

The father of two from Dallas, Texas, was one of three Americans on the flight.

His family described him as an “outgoing, gregarious, friendly, loving man” who was excited about moving to Malaysia. NCPAU-006

Passenger Manifest Data

SourceLine No.NAMETitleNationalityAgeGenderClassSeat No.
MH370 Passenger Manifest - Beijing Airport 78 WOOD PHILIP TALMADGE   USA 19630704    
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 8 March 2014 171 WOOD/PHILIP   American 51      
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 10 April 2014 172 WOOD/PHILIP   American 51      
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 1 May 2014   WOOD/PHILIP   USA 51 M EYCL 11C
MH370 Passenger Manifest - 5 May 2014   WOOD/PHILIP   USA 51 M EYCL 11C
Passenger details from Official Sources   WOOD PHILIP TALMADGE   American 51 M EYCL 11C